If Mohammed won’t go to the mountain…

Dear readers,

it has been quite a while since my last update. In the meantime you surely noticed that the fundraising campaign on Kickstarter didn’t turn out as expected. However, over the months following the expire date of the campaign Laureti tried to find alternative crowdfunding sites but they all turned out to be unsuitable for financing the PNN.

Therefore Laureti decided to patent the PNN anyway within 2020, despite the costs for defending it from the inevitable plagiarisms.

You can learn more from his words (in Italian here):

In 2017 the International patent of PNN hasn’t been filed since who was informing about the expenses told me back then that it costed a fortune. Now they’re saying me that it costs around 200.000€ and I can’t go broke for the PNN.

Every scientific undertaking is not an olympiad and it requires some minimum resources. I translate: if I haven’t got the money to patent the PNN and to properly defend it I don’t patent, I don’t disclose any PNN know-how!

Therefore, the public announcement of the know-how didn’t happen in 2017.. also because our detractors even wanted me to conquer Mars (obsessive invention of theirs) with ASPS, without the minimum care of the details

Also, no patent has been deposited in 2017 because PNN was experimentally re-developing: NOT ONLY THE NEWTON’S PRINCIPLE OF ACTION AND REACTION IS VIOLATED, BUT ALSO THE INERTIA LAW and F=ma. The whole thing can be seen only by increasing the UHF current in the circuits, that is with an impedance reduction.

Now I’m trying again in 2020 by settling to patent as far as I can with my resources… and to prepare the complement to the patent so that the copiers (here some details about the Japanese copiers of a PNN patent filed in 1998) won’t make profit out of it and/or get away with it

There are two NEW essential events that weren’t possible in 2017:

  1. To disclose PNN know-how through a “defensive” publication, making sure this way that no one else could patent it. As said by UIBM (Italian Office for Patents and Marks). A procedure feasible through press releases, web, Nova Astronautica.. and other ways that I don’t tell.
  2. Marketing of the prototype/prototypes at the state of the art in 2020. That is, the construction in other labs of demonstrative prototypes. To make an example, actual PNN is no more complex than a radio appliance of the 60s.

But I have to follow the schedule of the things to do FOR THE DISCLOSURE OF PNN KNOW-HOW and this alone costs time and fatigue..

Here I collect what I can for this purpose: www.asps.it/patportions.htm

Stay tuned for new developments

7 thoughts on “If Mohammed won’t go to the mountain…

  1. NOTE: as soon as the F432 patent is filed this year (with high probability despite the plague of coronavirus) and therefore the know-how necessarily disclosed for self-defense (what is known cannot be re-patented since priority is lost) the cost of 10% of the shares of the patent, (now put up for sale) will go from 200,000 euros to 10,000,000 euros so for 0.00002% of the patent the cost which is now 40 euros will be 2,000 euros. Owners of units are given ample freedom to resell them at the price they deem most appropriate
    When the patent of F432 is filed 1% of the patent is worth 1,000,000 euros.
    From: http://www.asps.it/patportions.htm


    1. The pyrotechnics trumpet astronautic by Elon Musk

      Without PNN http://www.asps.it/qct05_ENG.mp4 (15 years ago! at 50 watts in UHF) probably in the next decades Musk’s mummy in a special pyramid would have continued with these ridiculous experiments until the year 3000 and beyond ! 🙂


      This year the PNN of F432 will be patented http://www.asps.it/patportions.htm and the trumpet propulsion era will slowly end up among the usual comic barrels.

      In the meantime, through the use of Santa’s reindeer, Musk has already arrived on Mars http://www.asps.it/comichef.jpg (From http://www.asps.it/vol40.htm)

      And LOL


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